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Letters: Gratitude for political process participation


Editor’s note: This letter was received the day before the School District 46 upper Coast trustee election Dec. 9.  

Thank you for publishing the profiles of candidates for the upcoming by-election for school trustee. In advance of tomorrow’s polling I would like to express my gratitude to all the school district staff, Sechelt staff, election workers, the Pender Harbour Community School and everyone involved in making the election happen. 

While local politics don’t often make national headlines, it is so important that we remain collectively involved in the democratic process in a time when, across Canada, many school boards, parks boards and other avenues for constituent representation are increasingly being filled by government appointees. Choosing to vote matters, without it, our collective ability to have direct civic involvement, representation and constituent oversight erodes. Participating in local elections is a vote for transparency and accountability—and so I want to especially express my gratitude to everyones who took the time to come out and vote. 

Once again thank you, 

Jay O’Keeffe 

Madeira Park (Salalus)