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Letters: Dusty Road has been voted down, let's move on to what's next

'Can we please move beyond these Henderson referenced non-starter water supply ideas and recognize that the SCRD has voted them down and proceeding on well water derived plans that are no doubt facing some challenges. '
The test well at Dusty Road is next to the District of Sechelt's new Public Works building. It is also near the Sechelt Landfill and mining operations.


We keep seeing letters to the editor published in this paper from John Henderson supporters who think that the Sechelt mayor is a visionary championing the water shortage crisis, and being unfairly treated by Sunshine Coast Regional District elected officials and staff by not following the recommendations in his privately paid opinion piece seen in this paper several weeks ago.  

Can we please move beyond these Henderson referenced non-starter water supply ideas and recognize that the SCRD has voted them down and proceeding on well water derived plans that are no doubt facing some challenges.  

Ross Muirhead, Roberts Creek