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Five years after funding confirmed, Halfmoon Bay's hall replacement project ready to roll

The saga of a new community hall for Halfmoon Bay starts a new chapter with the Sunshine Coast Regional District stating construction of the new $3.4 million facility “is anticipated to begin soon”.

It’s been a long and winding road towards a new community hall for Halfmoon Bay, but March 11, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) announced construction of the new $3.4 million facility “is anticipated to begin soon." According to documents posted to its website, completion of the 2,200 sq. ft. hall is forecast for mid-2026.

In a press release the SCRD provided an update on work scheduled for the Connor Park location in the coming weeks and months, with tree removal as a major focus.

Tree conservation and other site work details 

The regional government detailed that “a small number of trees within the construction footprint area were assessed and will be removed… No white pine trees are part of this tree removal work."

In addition, the SCRD stated that several unhealthy or damaged trees would be removed to help manage the long-term health of the Park’s forests in the vicinity of the construction area and park access roads.

A certified arborist surveyed the trees on the site last month, according to the release. That investigation led to the identification of areas where informal vehicle parking outside of assigned parking areas is affecting the health of white pine trees. “As a result, the SCRD will work towards reducing the damage being done to these trees by ensuring clear guidance is in place on where people should park… The SCRD’s intention is to construct the hall with as little impact to the forested area as possible” the release noted. 

The tree survey followed a site-wide environmental assessment that was completed before the March 2023 decision to relocate the hall to Connor Park from the original planned location of Coopers Green, as that site was determined to be unsuitable due to ocean level rise concerns.

The SCRD will also be saying farewell to an older shed with a pit toilet, located on the southwest side of the Connor Park site. Staff are slated to be dismantling that facility “in a manner that will ensure the trees that border the existing pit, located between the hall site and the playing fields are not disrupted” the documentation stated.  

Installation of a new water service, electrical connections and septic upgrades for the hall are also on tap, to start this spring. The release noted that residences on adjacent Northwood Road will receive notification prior to this work being done as water service installation will involve some excavating work on the road.

Any major disruptions for the community or park users, as well as project updates and details on the groundbreaking for the hall will be communicated via the project’s online information page, on

The money and location change trail

In July 2020, the federal government approved a $2 million Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program grant to replace the aging Coopers Green Park Hall. The SCRD was successful in retaining that grant for a hall at Connor Park, with funds left over for improvements at Coopers Green.  The regional government also was able to have the grant’s original “use by” deadline of March 31, 2025 extended by two years.