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Calling for ideas for Coopers Green Park

The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is receiving input through an online survey up to Dec. 13.
Map of facilities at Halfmoon Bay's Coopers Green Park.

If you have ideas and views you would like to share about the future of Halfmoon Bay’s Coopers Green Park, there’s an online survey for that. The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is receiving input through that process up to Dec. 13.

The survey was launched on Nov. 14 and according to the region’s communications department, feedback has been coming in at a brisk pace. As of Nov. 30, 315 responders had hit the “submit” button.

“We need five minutes of your time to answer a quick questionnaire about Coopers Green. What do you like about it now? What would you like to see considered as part of the enhancement process? There’s also an opportunity to add a picture of something you may have seen elsewhere that you think could work at Coopers Green, the project’s “Let’s Talk” page outlines.

The steps that are set to follow this public input opportunity are listed as design finalization (taking the details received into account), then tendering for the work to be done. In a Nov. 28 report to the committee of the whole, staff reported anticipating construction work on the park will begin after mid-point of next year and conclude in the second quarter of 2026. Even though a project budget of $633,238 has been in place since 2023, that report detailed only $103 had been expended to date.

Related projects

The “Let’s Talk” page also provides a summary of actions taken to date, a map of the park and quick summaries on related Area B projects, including the adjacent boat ramp and the building of a new $3.4 million community hall at Connor Park. According to the report the $33,963 boat launching facility initiative “will be considered along side the park enhancement project”. That project went onto the SCRD’s books in 2020, is 25 per cent completed and is slated to be finished mid-2025.

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