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Consultation on Coopers Green enhancement continues

Concept strategies for the Coopers Green Enhancement Project were the focus of a Jan 28 open house hosted by the Sunshine Coast Regional District.

Concept strategies for the Coopers Green Enhancement Project were the focus of an open house hosted by the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) on Jan. 28.

If you missed the event, held at the Seaside Centre, SCRD communications manager Aidan Buckley stated you can visit the “Let’s Talk” page dedicated to the project and provide input up to the end of February.

At the event, there were display boards highlighting work done on the project to date and identifying options for amenities that could be included on that site. Those display board graphics can also be viewed on the "Let's Talk" page.

Ideas that were brought forward for comment on were possible expanded washroom/change room facilities, playground facilities, a barbeque station and even a covered outdoor performance space. And suggestions from the public for items not already on the SCRD’s lists were also being welcomed.

Coast Reporter stopped by the open house, when there were about 30 members of the public in attendance. Most of those individuals were engaged in conversation with the handful of SCRD staffers, representatives of a consulting firm working on the project and members of the board.

When asked about the timeline for the start of construction on park enhancement projects, Halfmoon Bay area director Justine Gabias stated, "It depends on the outcome of tonight." In conversation with Gabias and staff at the event, Coast Reporter was advised that finalization of the concept plan for the improvements is slated for consideration “this spring."