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Letters: Sechelt council, make amends, put this behind us

Editor: The following is an open letter to Sechelt Mayor John Henderson and council of the District of Sechelt.
Sechelt Municipal Hall 2
District of Sechelt municipal hall file photo.


The following is an open letter to Sechelt Mayor John Henderson and council of the District of Sechelt. 

Get on with it! 

I’m appalled at the number of stories I read in the Coast Reporter about this governance audit and the so-called dysfunction in our local government! 

How is this serving the electorate? 

Can we all just do what must be done and move on? 

As a newer resident to the community of Sechelt (two and a half years, now) I can’t remember having ever witnessed this in any of the municipal councils that I have been served by throughout my 70 years. (Or maybe I’m just paying more attention, now?) 

In conversation with friends and neighbours, I know I’m not alone in my feelings about this. 

To the perpetrators of this gong show… you know who you are, so put on your big boy/girl pants and do what any reasonable adult must do. Own up, make amends and put this behind us so we can get on with dealing with what this community desperately needs! 

It’s not rocket science, here. It’s called manners, respect and human dignity! 


Charlie Veaudry,  
