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Letters: Investigate other calming methods – closing Glassford isn't working

Woman with hands on steering wheel


What a welcome suggestion from one of your readers that a more balanced solution be found to the problems of speeding motorists in Lower Gibsons.

Closing off Glassford does not solve this problem but rather magnifies it, namely motorists travelling east now speed up through the intersection with Franklin on to Gower Point, no longer having to slow down to turn onto Glassford. I wonder if the town needs a fuller explanation of the need for this closure plus the criteria by which this experiment is to be assessed.

The safety and wellbeing of citizens on Gower Point, Glassford and Franklin surely deserve equal consideration.

The justification for closing Glassford seems to be lacking some salient points. Will there be another experiment, with a more balanced solution, considering the safety and well-being of all the citizens in the neighbourhood – on Gower Point, Franklin and Glassford plus any other streets affected by the closure. There are other well-known methods of traffic calming, if indeed traffic calming is the sole reason, namely traffic cushions, traffic circles, posted speed limits etc. Let’s give them a try and share the solution to this problem among all the citizens of the community. 

S.M. Armstrong, Gibsons