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Find a method that fits everyone

In response to Sheila Masse, of Director Disposal Corporation (Coast Reporter letters, July 31), I would agree that, indeed, in an urban situation where homes are closely knit and where recycling facilities can be many miles away, curbside recycling

In response to Sheila Masse, of Director Disposal Corporation (Coast Reporter letters, July 31), I would agree that, indeed, in an urban situation where homes are closely knit and where recycling facilities can be many miles away, curbside recycling is probably an effective method for achieving participation - albeit an expensive one for taxpayers - and its success is still determined by personal motivation.

However, in this vast Sunshine Coast Regional District area, where homes are often separated and even in isolation, curbside recycling does not seem the method of choice. Miss Masse states that depots are exclusive and available to an elite few. We are a friendly community and I know there are those who would offer to take their neighbours' recycling to a depot, should they be unable to do this themselves. And after all, recycling is largely about knowledge, desire and motivation.

As Bernard McGrath (are we a mutual admiration, or what!) stated in his letter on July 24, "we should start to think outside the box" - in other words, to find a method of recycling that fits our community. In my opinion, curbside recycling does not qualify.

Rhona Kelly

Roberts Creek