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Letters: Gibsons has more pressing needs than a relic

'I was surprised to see the substantial funds being raised for the “Save the Persephone” campaign, preserving a relic (pun intended) from The Beachcombers TV show.'
The Persephone, the boat at the centre of much of the action in Beachcombers, was on display in Gibsons until 2021.


I was surprised to see the substantial funds being raised for the “Save the Persephone” campaign, preserving a relic (pun intended) from The Beachcombers TV show. While the show has its place in Gibsons’ history, I question whether it should continue to define our town’s identity. Gibsons is evolving, and it’s important to focus on initiatives that reflect our growth and modernize our brand as a community. There are many pressing needs that could benefit from local funding, such as bike lanes, public art installations, green spaces and other community-driven projects. 

I believe the updates to Molly’s Reach cafe already capture the spirit of the show, and while I appreciate the calls for inclusion and historical reflection in the TV show, I believe it’s time to invest in efforts that look forward rather than hold onto aging history so deeply. 


Tara Latham, Gibsons