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Sunshine Coast traffic blitz results in numerous tickets, prohibitions

A recent traffic blitz on the Sunshine Coast resulted in 12 impaired drivers (drug and alcohol) being taken off the road through immediate roadside prohibitions, multiple speeding and excessive speed tickets, the arrest of several prohibited drivers, and a multitude of other traffic violation tickets.
N.RCMP Sechelt
The Sunshine Coast RCMP detachment building in Sechelt.

In just two days, a traffic blitz on the Sunshine Coast resulted in 12 impaired drivers (drug and alcohol) being taken off the road through immediate roadside prohibitions, multiple speeding and excessive speed tickets, the arrest of several prohibited drivers, and a multitude of other traffic violation tickets. As well, one traffic stop resulted in the discovery of illegal cannabis and RCMP members recovered stolen property.

Local RCMP recently underwent training from members of the British Columbia Highway Patrol and Integrated Impaired Driving Unit, who came to the Coast to instruct them.

Sunshine Coast RCMP members were provided with the specialized training related to impaired driving investigations and traffic enforcement, then hit the road June 18 and 19, to put what they learned into action. Several day-time traffic checkpoints were set up in Gibsons and Sechelt for several hours, as well as one in the evening in Halfmoon Bay.

"This was a great opportunity for our local members to gain valuable experience and education that will benefit future traffic investigations" said Sergeant Calvin Aird of the Sunshine Coast RCMP in a news release.