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SCRD has an acting CAO

Upper echelons staffing challenges continue at the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD).
File Photo: SCRD's Field Road Location.

Upper echelon staffing challenges continue at the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD). Its communications department confirmed via email to Coast Reporter that chief administrative officer (CAO) Dean McKinley has been on leave since at least May 17.

The CAO is the top non-elected job in the local government, managing overall operations.  

On May 17, the SCRD's chief financial officer, Tina Perreault, was appointed acting CAO and continues to fill both roles. Perreault has served in the SCRD finance department since 2008. 

When asked about the reasons for McKinley’s absence, communications manager Aidan Buckley stated “Understanding the need for privacy to be respected in relation to personnel matters, there is no further information that can be provided at this time." 

McKinley took on the CAO's position in late 2019.

Emergency situations stressful for staffers

The SCRD has faced a number of extended leave situations with its key personnel in recent years.

Last September, its elected officials received a report from its senior leadership team about how repeated and extended emergency situations, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the drought of 2022, were affecting staff and finances. That detailed, “The impact to the SCRD with regards to emergencies, however, goes beyond the financial salaries and costs. Both mental and physical fatigue are risks that may be experienced by employees who are required to work in the EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) and who must also complete their regular job duties."

That report recommended the board, “Explore hiring casual staff or contracting service providers for key roles in the EOC to supplement internal expertise,” and, “increase training and exercising of personnel."

The SCRD budgeted $30,000 for an organizational review project in 2023 to review the staffing structure and identify "gaps and opportunities to create better alignment." Work on the project continued into 2024 and saw a report presented at closed a meeting earlier this year. Although the content of that document is confidential and much of the work was completed by a contractor in 2023, a report on 2024's first quarter work plan progress included a mention that efforts were "ongoing" with McKinley identified as the lead staff person for that project.