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Some syíyaya events rescheduled out of respect for late Elder

Reconciliation Pole unveiling postponed – stay posted for new dates.
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The unveiling ceremony for the Reconciliation Pole has been postponed.

Out of respect for the recent death of a shíshálh Nation Elder, syiyaya reconciliation movement is rescheduling the unveiling ceremony for a future date. 

The pole, started by the late master carver ?antuni Tony Paul will be placed behind the newly opened Our House of Clans

Kathleen Coyne, syiyaya Reconciliation Movement coordinator clarified that the events planned to be held at the Nation hall have been postponed as well.

This includes the s-yéwyáw AWAKEN film screening by Ecko Alec on June 22 and the spoken word and hip hop performance by Alec and Katherine Denham planned that evening. 

The June 24 reading by Chief Robert Joseph from his book, Namwayut: We Are All One: A Pathway to Reconciliation, has also been rescheduled. 

Coyne said that Alec has been rescheduled for later in the summer and that they are trying to see if Chief Joseph can come later in the week.

She passed on words from Chief Joseph, who said he supported his talk being postponed and reiterated that this is being done out of respect for the affected family.  

While there isn’t a revised date for the unveiling yet, Coyne said they are hoping it will be in the next few weeks.

Coyne clarified that syíyaya Days is not cancelled and there are still many great events to take part in.

She advises residents to keep a close eye on the District of Sechelt schedule as more events may be added closer to the dates. 

Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.