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SCRD presses MOTI to add local staff

Issues requiring Coast-based Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) staff attention are growing and the sole local position is vacant, again.
Sunshine Coast Regional District headquarters on Field Road.

Issues requiring Coast-based Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) staff attention are growing and the sole local position is vacant, again. With that concern expressed by Area E director Donna McMahon, the Sunshine Coast Regional District board voted at its Sept. 14 meeting to send an “urgent” written request to MOTI to double the local staff complement.

In a Sept. 25 email to Coast Reporter, McMahon said that the board also tried, but was unable to get a “last minute” in-person meeting with MOTI staff about its request while at the Sept. 18 to 22 Union of BC Municipalities conference in Vancouver. She said she’ll be raising letter follow-up planning with board chair Len Lee.

Local staffing reductions and turnover

A ministry spokesperson contacted by Coast Reporter did not comment on the letter but confirmed there is one permanent local area manager position based in Sechelt and that “there has been turnover at that position during the past two years and the ministry is currently recruiting for that position." A Sept. 25 email stated “staff levels in Sechelt have not changed in the past five years” and that it recognized “the importance of having staff based in our communities around the province to provide service and ensure local concerns are addressed."

In her submission to the Sept. 14 meeting agenda, McMahon detailed that “25 years ago MOTI had 3 people in the Sechelt office. 10 years ago there were two. They are now trying to maintain that office with one person, but the workload is overwhelming, so they are unable to keep staff.”  

Her assessment: “The condition of roads on the Sunshine Coast continues to deteriorate and we also lack boots on the ground to deal with issues related to subdivision, property development, and urgent concerns of our 32,000 residents."

Respectful staff treatment essential

At the board meeting, McMahon said the community has to “do its part” to help stem staff turnover by not directing “really abusive and angry complaints” to local ministry staff. She said she would be sharing her view that "it is not appropriate for people to heap abuse on the people at the lowest end of the Ministry’s foodchain” with her community association and neighbourhood groups.

Who should area residents contact with local road-related concerns?  The ministry stated for general inquiries, people can contact the ministry’s regional office at (604) 527-2221. For maintenance or safety concerns, contact its local contractor Capilano Highways at [email protected] or (604) 983-2411.  Locally based spokesperson for that firm, Tyler Lambert told Coast Reporter in a Sept. 22 interview “we’re fully staffed up."