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Rotary club proposes accessible park near Gibsons Harbour

The project would turn a currently vacant lot into a park with a viewing platform, benches and tables and a playground.

The Rotary Club of Gibsons has approached the Town of Gibsons to help support an accessible park on Marine Drive that will showcase waterfront views.

At the Sept. 5 regular council meeting, Ricardo Mondragon-Guerra presented the “conceptual idea, a dream” for Skywalk Park. The project would turn a currently vacant lot into a park with a viewing platform, benches and tables and a playground. Mondragon-Guerra noted the property is “complicated” because of its steep slope and existing service road.  

Mondragon-Guerra said the project fits the main goals of the Official Community Plan and the Strategic Plan and aims to make the space useful for activities for multiple generations. “We want to create a space that many people can enjoy,” he said. 

The Rotary Club of Gibsons is proposing to do the project in 2024, to meet grant deadlines. Funding could include provincial grants such as the B.C. Destination Development Fund and grants from the Rotary Club of Gibsons and Rotary International, as well as support from the Town of Gibsons. 

The club asked the Town of Gibsons for authorization to keep working on the project, provide a letter of support to apply for grants, and to guide the club on reaching out to Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation). 

Annemarie De Andrade said the project is interesting and asked to hear from the Town’s director of infrastructure about any plans Gibsons may have for that area. Staff said there are no current plans to develop the park and the only consideration would be around raising the seawall. 

Coun. David Croal spoke in favour of the project’s level access that “encourages people to walk to it or cycle on, but particularly for anyone with any mobility issues, that allows them to get out and have that view and vantage that currently isn’t readily accessible to them.”

Mayor Silas White’s comments focused on infrastructure, including parking and potential sidewalk upgrades for accessibility purposes. He noted that the nearby Armours Beach is “already kind of squeezed for parking.” Staff pointed out that there is no sidewalk on the east side of Marine Drive or nearby crosswalk, so they may need to create a bump out, which could affect parking. 

Although council does not make decisions at the same meeting after a delegation, White said they will consider the Rotary Club’s asks in the near future.