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Good start for highway group

More than 30 people from up and down the Coast attended the first meeting of a Highway 101 accident prevention initiative Monday night in Davis Bay.

More than 30 people from up and down the Coast attended the first meeting of a Highway 101 accident prevention initiative Monday night in Davis Bay.

Organizers say they are thrilled with the start and the birth of the group and hope this is just the beginning of more initiatives in the hopes of making the highway a safer road.

Concerned residents met for a wide-ranging discussion concerning components of an accident prevention program for Highway 101.

The group came together following several high-profile accidents on the highway. They hope, among other things, to achieve a 50 per cent reduction in accident frequency by 2012.

Consequently, the meeting approved the formation of a steering committee to proceed with the registration of the Route 101 Society immediately.

A total of $280 was collected through donations and the $10 membership fee.

"For the first meeting that we had, it went very well," said society co-chair Nick Proach. "Fifteen members have joined the society and seven of those people will be meeting Thursday [last night] as a steering committee to start to put things into place. The goal is to now have community meetings up and down the Coast, to give the whole community a chance to air their concerns and suggestions."

Proach said the society wants to see some immediate safety concerns addressed, including crosswalks in high traffic and high accident areas.

"This isn't a highway any more - it's a stretch of road," said Proach. "We'd like to see the provincial government come here and set forth a plan for a four-lane highway from Langdale to Egmont. A proper four-lane highway is needed to meet the growth demands in the coming years. The provincial government has to start looking down the road and planning adequately for the future - not just in this community - but all over the province. We want to work with the local governments and make sure they are getting a fair shake as well. Monday was a good start. We're all very encouraged. There is lots of public concern out there."