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SCRD budget: Cliff Gilker, Chaster Park improvements recommended; others to wait another year

2025 one-time spending of $1,198,850 for Cliff Gilker Park remediation of bridges and trails and $143,000 for access improvements to Chaster Park recommended.
Raging water at  Cliff Gilker Park in Roberts Creek
A Cliff Gilker Park bridge during a November 2023 high water event.

Keeping 2025 taxation down was the reasoning Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) directors shared as they recommended deferring a Keats Island and two Pender Harbour park projects to 2026.

The committee decided not to pursue parks planning for Katherine Lake and Dan Bosch Parks and erosion mitigation for Keats Islands’ West Beach park this year, during day two of 2025 Round 2 budget debate, on Jan. 14. 

“We have to start cutting somewhere, waiting for the parks review [which is slated as a 2025 project] is the best way to start figuring out what to do in the parks department,” Roberts Creek area director Kelly Backs said.

Why some projects over others?

However, the committee did recommend one-time spending of $1,198,850 for Cliff Gilker Park bridge and trail remediation and $143,000 for access improvements to Chaster Park. Cliff Gilker spending will be paid for from Community Works Fund (CWF), provincial money granted to the SCRD. The Chaster amount is to come from taxation, with staff assigned to look into whether at least a portion of the work at Chaster could be paid for from the CWF.

In discussion of the West Beach park proposal, Elphinstone area director Donna McMahon stated she was “really reluctant to defer” but that the overlap with Ministry of Transportation and Transit jurisdiction complicated figuring out which party is responsible for addressing which issues. She spoke in favour of further advocacy with the ministry, stating “this is not the only area where we have overlapping problems, we need a better way forward to get their cooperation."

Expressing frustration with delays for work on Keats Island, Howe Sound area director Kate-Louise Stamford said “over the last couple of budgets there has not been a lot of support into parks and trails… things are getting worse and worse and worse…This is climate change impact on communities on the ground. This is what it looks like, and it is going to be expensive.”

Pender Harbour/Egmont director Leonard Lee did convince his committee counterparts to support a $5,000 park project recommendation in Area A. That will see the SCRD contribute funds to the Pender Harbour Living Heritage Society for the purchase of a heat pump for Sarah Wray Hall, an SCRD facility which that group leases and operates.

Next steps

All Round 2 recommendations from the finance committee require board endorsement for consideration of inclusion into the 2025 budget.  The board is set to meet next on Jan. 23 to review Round 2 recommendations, with budget bylaw readings to follow in the coming weeks.