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A presentation of astronomical proportions

The Royal Astronomical Society - Sunshine Coast Centre is hosting a presentation of astronomical proportions as Sky and Telescope magazine's Gary Seronik takes you exploring the binocular universe on Friday, March 27, at 8 p.m.

The Royal Astronomical Society - Sunshine Coast Centre is hosting a presentation of astronomical proportions as Sky and Telescope magazine's Gary Seronik takes you exploring the binocular universe on Friday, March 27, at 8 p.m. at the Sechelt Legion Hall.

Seronik is an award-winning astronomy writer and lifelong stargazer and is best known as a contributing editor for Sky and Telescope and as a columnist for Sky News. For 10 years he has written the popular Binocular Highlights column for Sky and Telescope and will share his knowledge on how to use these modest optical wonders to enjoy some of the night sky's finest treasures.

Everyone knows that telescopes can show impressive views of the night sky, but did you know that some deep sky wonders are actually more impressive through binoculars? In his presentation Seronik will demonstrate how, with even a small pair of binoculars, you will see as much and more than Galileo did 400 years ago. He'll give you tips on tracking the mighty waltz of the moons of Jupiter and the sparkling jewel box of the Pleiades and scrutinizing the moon's "terminator" to explore its mountains and valleys.

He will also provide detailed information on how to choose binoculars for astronomy, offer tips on evaluating the equipment you already own and give you his top ten binocular sights in this season's night sky. This presentation is sponsored by the Sunshine Coast Credit Union and is part of the RASC - Sunshine Coast Centre Speaker Series,a free International Year of Astronomy 2009 event celebrating Galileo's discoveries and 400 years of astronomy.

For more information see