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Sharing our stories: The MAID Experience

Coasters share experiences of accompanying someone who has chosen MAID, March 16

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) became a legal right in Canada in 2016. In the decade since, thousands of Canadians experiencing extreme suffering as a result of a medical condition have chosen to end their lives with medical assistance. Information is available about the process, how to access MAID, the legal and other practical issues. It is time now to take a look back and shine a light on the emotional aspects of the MAID experience by asking: What does the experience feel like for the families and friends whose loved ones have made this choice?

Sharing Our Stories: The MAID Experience, a presentation of the Sunshine Coast Hospice Society, addresses this question. The evening will be both emotional and educational as Coast residents share their experiences of accompanying someone who has chosen a medically assisted death. Each unique and poignant story will show how the process affected everyone involved. Several video stories from a nation-wide project to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of Canadians who have been intimately impacted by MAID will also be shown.

Following the presentations, a moderated conversation between the audience and the presenters, including a local palliative physician and MAID provider, will provide an opportunity to ask questions and also to hear from others who themselves have had personal experience with MAID.

Sharing Our Stories will take place on Sunday, March 16, 7 to 9 p.m. at St Johns United Church, 5085 Davis Bay Road. Preregister on the Hospice Society website: Admission is by donation. Due to its sensitive nature, this event is appropriate for adults and mature teenagers.

For more information, please call 604-740-0475.