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Rubin to go bald for cancer

Pender Harbour's Carole Rubin is joining the fight against cancer by going bald for charity.

Pender Harbour's Carole Rubin is joining the fight against cancer by going bald for charity.

Rubin, the artistic director of the Pender Harbour Jazz Festival, is teaming up with Team Green and world champion longboarder Scott "Scoot" Smith of Pender Harbour by getting shaved in an event on July 9 at noon at the Marketplace IGA parking lot in Madeira Park.

"This is such a cool way to give back," Rubin said. "When I was struggling with loss and grief a few years back, the jazz and longboarding community made me shine again. I met Tyler Ellison, a local, young longboarder. He has been fighting cancer for a few years now, and he is so cool and so brave that shaving my head pales by comparison. The prescriptions he and other kids with cancer need cost thousands of dollars per month, so if losing the locks helps, I am in."

Rubin is asking that Coast residents go to the B.C. Children's Hospital Balding for Dollars website at and pledge to her team: Jazzgirls shave for the brave.

Her goal is $5,000 and all donations are tax deductible.

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