What a Howl! Thanks to Marilyn and the Pender Harbour Blues Society for a fantastic Halloween Howl Dance and Costume Extravaganza at the PH Community Hall last Saturday. The music was over the top and costumes outstanding.
The Pender Harbour Community Hall is the place for daily activities and events throughout the year. What would we do without it? The Community Club is the group of devoted, hard-working volunteers keeping the Hall maintained and open for all to enjoy. Please show your appreciation and support at the Community Club Fundraiser Dec. 15 when they host their Christmas Craft Fair. Vendors can book tables now. Call Carol at 604-883-2272.
The Pender Harbour Garden Club welcomes the three founders of Botanus.com on Monday, Nov. 5, 1 p.m. at the School of Music. Elke, Pam and Wendy achieved their goal of successfully establishing a mail order company and have gone above and beyond providing an on-line garden club (botanus.com). Their presentation Fall in Love with Unusuals promises to be bright and lively. The women will be bringing a fabulous selection of bulbs to sell, and there will be a raffle and refreshments. Drop in is $5, an annual membership is $15.
Seniors Initiative has the same great lineup of activities throughout the week with the addition of carpet bowling in Egmont Wednesdays, 1 to 3 p.m. at the Egmont Community Hall. Drop in $3. Harbourside Friendship on Thursday, Nov. 8 is the presentation Advance Care Planning with Caron Hawrychuk at the PH Community Hall starting at 10:30 a.m. Lunch is served at noon. Drop in $10.
Pender Harbour Music Society Coffee House on Friday, Nov. 9 at the School of Music will feature wonderful local performers: Ted and Joan, Alla Nienhuis and Triad. Doors open at 7 p.m.; music at 7:30 p.m. $10 suggestion at the door.
Enjoy a second musical event Saturday, Nov. 10 when award-winning, six-member vocal group Jazz Affair bring their stellar talent and dynamic sound to the School of Music stage. Visit www.penderharbourmusic.ca, Harbour Insurance and Sechelt Visitor centre for tickets.
The Women’s Con-nection welcomes Jan DeGrass, award winning columnist and author to their next meeting Nov. 13. Jan is well known for her 17 years as Arts & Entertainment columnist for Coast Reporter and three years as editor of Coast Life magazine. During the past 25 years she has written in every genre, from sparkling art news to exotic travel narrative to a cookbook of potluck recipes. Her presentation is Co-op Activism and Soviet Stories and Why it Took 40 Years to Write About Them. Tickets for the Annual Christmas Luncheon and Fashion Show Dec. 11 at the Legion are $35 for members, $40 for non-members. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Doors open at 11 a.m.
Contact me before noon Mondays for the Friday edition of Coast Reporter at [email protected] or 604-989-0851.