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Getting to the bottom of who owns the Hall

Greetings Creekers! All building are owned by someone, right? Apparently not. Imagine the surprise of the Roberts Creek Community Association when it was discovered that in fact they do not own the Hall, no one does.
roberts creek-COLUMN

Greetings Creekers!  

All building are owned by someone, right?  Apparently not. Imagine the surprise of the Roberts Creek Community Association when it was discovered that in fact they do not own the Hall, no one does. This came to light during a mortgage application to cover some of the costs of recent Hall upgrades. The original owners were the Roberts Creek Community Board but in 1958, this group merged with the then Roberts Creek Improvement Association to form the RCCA. Somewhere along the way the ownership of the Hall was never transferred and when the Roberts Creek Community Board was dissolved by the Registrar of Societies in 1962 (for lack of activity) suddenly no one owned it but no one knew! Past president Sarah Bradley has spent months of sleuthing and digging through dusty boxes of files and with the help of lawyer, James Graham, and it has finally been sorted. Kudos and a million thank-yous to them. Meanwhile the mortgage that prompted this discovery has been held against the library building so the final piece in this story will be the transfer of that to the Hall.  

Then we can have a party! 

Ahhhh, summer. It’s here finally and while it has declared itself with a heat wave, we are fortunate to have nearby beaches offering breezes and a cool ocean. I was at the beach yesterday and indulged in nostalgic memories of all those days at the beach when my kids were little. Along with various friends and their kids, we made the trek every day. Over all those logs, with kids on our backs and others lagging in their flip flops, we carted beach paraphernalia and bags of peanut butter sandwiches, carrot sticks, apple juice and if one of the moms had baked, maybe some cookies. I don’t know how we did it, but we were young. Going to certain beaches presents a different set of challenges these days, involving creaky knees and an increasingly wonky sense of balance as older versions of ourselves navigate the logs. I received a letter from another Creeker on this subject. She suggested that the SCRD should remove the logs for easy access (it’s not actually in their jurisdiction in any case ), so we had a conversation about it during which we agreed that we have no wish to invite the world to our beach. So, I was left with a fantasy that some kind and community minded person with a chain saw might, unannounced, create a small and discrete pathway through the logs…  

Yesterday I wandered around the “Downtown” Creek. It felt festive and vibrant and there are new things happening down there for you to check out. Shaved Ice Paradise is a new business for the summer, operating out of the greenhouse at the back of the Gumboot Restaurant parking lot. They are open daily from noon to 5 and are selling that delicious Japanese/Hawaiian treat, which involves very finely shaved ice with a choice of house-made fruit syrups and add-on toppings of condensed milk and/or whipped coconut cream. Sort of like a very upscale snow cone. They also sell gelato and bliss bars.  

Ryley O’Byrne’s Sunday Store has moved to the back of the restaurant and she will be open every summer Sunday selling her beautiful flower-patterned clothing and accessories. Across the street, in front of the store, is Semir’s Hot Dog Cart. He will be open every day from noon to 9 p.m. selling his delicious specialty sausages in a bun. The Gumboot Cafe and Restaurant were both humming with activity and don’t forget the restaurant has a wide variety of delicious takeout frozen products. They also have a selection of specialty wines and local gifts which now include RCCA logo sweatshirts and hats. Then wander around the back and check out the One Straw Tiny Farm. It’s beautiful! You can buy some of their produce and see the new building that will eventually become a community kitchen for food preservation. And don’t forget all those other businesses in the Heart of the Creek. If you combine a swim at the beach or walk on the pier with exploring these businesses, it would make a great afternoon with your summer house guests.  

Then if you still have energy to burn, there’s music and dancing going on. Tonight at the Legion it’s Matchbox Blues with guest Peter Van and Saturday night it’s a free entrance for Open Stage and Jam Night. If the beat is the thing for you, Sunshine Coast Drums and Bass are at the Hall tonight. Saturday it’s Yukon Blonde with Janky Tyger. Tickets are available at This week’s Slow Sunday line up includes Randeesh, Syd Jorgensen, John Ten Bear Thompson and The Monty Montego Reggae Band.  

Creek Daze is coming Aug. 11th and they are looking for a Kid Zone co-ordinator in addition to more vendors and volunteers. Contact [email protected]. A Youth Art Gallery is an exciting new Daze event this year. If you have work in any medium, this is your opportunity to share it. Contact Linda by emailing [email protected] 

Have a great week, everyone!