About 50 people turned out to the ECA meeting last week for Steve Sleep’s presentation about the historic trails, equipment and camps on Mount Elphinstone. History is a real passion for Steve – he’s even toured the province visiting old industrial sites.
Area E Director Donna McMahon reported on the UBCM convention and recreation issues, including the management of playing fields and measuring the success of our recreation programs. When she asked for a show of hands on who would like to see curbside green-waste pick-up, not one hand went up! Donna informed people of a follow-up meeting to the Water Dialogues happening Oct. 26 at Frank West Hall, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Residents raised concerns including better trails upkeep and Ministry of Transport being completely deaf to residents’ concerns. Donna’s latest newsletter is now available on her website: everythingelphinstone.ca
Chair Ron Neilson and beach cleanup co-ordinator Gord Bishop reported on how the 47 megabags had finally been removed from Gower Point Beach. He thanked everyone who helped in the several-months-long cleanup as well as Airspan, Coast Bins, Dolphin Marine, the District of Sechelt and the SCRD. He noted that a dozen Search & Rescue volunteers were there to secure the megabags onto the helicopter line and added that we have a wonderfully clean beach – for now. When Gord talked about the incredible beach asset we have, a resident asked about what could be done to erect signage on our beaches asking people to leave wildlife like sea stars and shellfish on the beach – and to pick up their trash. The Community Association agreed to look into this.
People were given advance notice of the November Potluck and Social at Chaster House, to be held Saturday, Nov. 23, from 5 to 9 p.m. This popular event gives people a chance to meet and mingle with their neighbours.
How wonderful that we Coasters had four all-candidates meetings – a great chance to hear from the seven people vying to represent this riding. If attendance at the two standing-room-only meetings I attended is any indication, voter turnout will be good in our community. A big thank you to all who run for public office – not an easy thing to do, but the hallmark of democracy. And politicians must be held to account for their promises and reminded often that they are there to serve everyone’s best interests. Research indicates that if a person votes three times they will become a lifelong voter – so encourage friends, neighbours, and especially young adults to vote! Send anyone who is not registered to www.elections.ca.
Be sure to check out the fabulous annual Sunshine Coast Art Crawl this weekend, Oct. 18 to 20. We’re blessed to have so many amazing artists on the Sunshine Coast who so generously open their homes for this event. Details at suncoastarts.com/art-crawl
Contact me at elphin@coastreporter.net if you have news to share.