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Sunshine Coast firefighters ‘Climb the Wall’ for charity

Sunday, March 2, firefighters from Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Halfmoon Bay and Sechelt took part in the BC Lung Foundation “Climb the Wall” charity event.

Sunday, March 2, firefighters from Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Halfmoon Bay and Sechelt took part in the BC Lung Foundation “Climb the Wall” charity event.

Taking part in the Firefighter Structural event, they climbed 48 stories with full firefighter gear, self-contained breathing apparatus and on air. That’s around 50 lbs of extra weight!

More than 340 climbers, part of 46 teams, climbed to the 48th floor of the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre to show their support and raise funds for the BC Lung Foundation.

Coast firefighters raised more than $25,000, over 25 per cent of the total for the event.

Gibsons team lead the way with over $14,000 raised, Roberts Creek with over $10,000. Lisa Stiver from Gibsons fire raised an amazing $5,360 so far!

Gibsons and Roberts Creek were the top fundraising teams for the event, raising more than much larger Lower Mainland departments.

If you would like to donate you can do so on the Climb the Wall website – just search for the fire department or individual:

Top climbers this year:

- James Allcock, Halfmoon Bay Fire. Position: 29th. Time: 9:52

- Colton MacDonald, Sechelt Fire. Position: 32nd. Time: 9:59

- Chris Morse, Gibsons Fire. Position: 33rd. Time 10:03

- James Kartz, Halfmoon Bay. Position: 35th. Time 10:07

- Jared Simpson, Roberts Creek. Position: 56th Time 10:59

- Kyla Trethewey, Halfmoon Bay. Position: Top 10 Female. Time 13:38

Top in their categories!

- Art Kartz, Halfmoon Bay Fire was top in the M60-69 age group with a time of 13:52

- Nick Wort, Roberts Creek Fire was second in the M50-59 age group with a time of 11:26.

- James Kartz third in the M19- age group.

- Kyla Trethewey, Halfmoon Bay, third in the F30-39 age group.

Well done to everyone for some great performances, see you next year!