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Elphinstone Chronicles: Behold the beautiful bumblebee

Here's what's happening in Elphinstone
C. purple dead nettle_resized
Purple dead nettle (so-called since it doesn’t sting) is a favourity plant for emerging bumblebees.

Have you heard that engineers proved that bumblebees should not be able to fly? With their plump little bodies and tiny wings, it’s hard to imagine how they do it, but they most certainly can fly! Now is the time when the queens are emerging from their nests – sometimes just shallow holes in the ground under your garden refuse (so don’t clean up too thoroughly or too soon!). The queens are very hungry, having lost all their reserves, and must have access to nectar and pollen so they can create a nest for the colony of eggs they will rear. Here’s a great site which even has photos of bumblebee eggs – fascinating! 

The first bumblebee I saw was visiting purple dead nettle that grows everywhere in my garden; with the dandelions only just starting, it’s a terrific plant for emerging bumblebees. Please don’t spray – bumblebees (and other beneficial insects) are highly sensitive to toxins. The humble bumblebees are not only great pollinators and valued garden guests but almost completely harmless. If they sting, they lose their stinger and die so they do not want to sting. I’ve often harvested oregano from a patch buzzing with them and they leave me completely alone. If you accidentally step on their nest though, one of them will sacrifice its life to make a point. It’s only happened to me once, and to this day, I never tread in that section of the yard.  

Speaking of wildlife, I enjoy checking out the Gibsons Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Facebook Page from time to time to see what’s happening with their rescued and recuperating wildlife. The latest video is of a great horned owl being released back into the wild – magnificent! 

The Cedar Grove Parents Advisory Committee (PAC) are doing a spring plant sale fundraiser – check it out at: 

Elphinstone Community Association (ECA) will have its AGM on Wednesday April 20 at 7 p.m. (by Zoom). Guest speaker Jordan Pratt, emergency management coordinator and deputy fire chief for Gibsons, will talk about emergency preparedness – should be interesting. That will be followed by AGM business and board elections. Please contact [email protected] for the Zoom code and/or if you are interested in standing for a board position.  

Elphinstone residents are reminded that it is time to renew their ECA membership ($10/year/person) for the 2022/23 year. Membership dues can be paid by bank transfer to the Credit Union in Gibsons for deposit to the Elphinstone Community Association at [email protected]. For more information call René Mandigo, Membership Co-ordinator at 604-740-1286.    

I’m always on the lookout for Elphinstone news – send yours to me at: [email protected]