The Sechelt Nation was acknowledged by the B.C. First Nations summit last Thursday June 12 in North Vancouver at the Chief Joe Mathias Centre.
Amongst their peers, our chief and council were ceremonially stood before all of the B.C. chiefs and council and Coun. Garry Feschuk (?askista) was blanketed.
The Sechelt Nation was also provided a gift by the Summit of Chiefs and Chief (hiwus) Calvin Craigan spoke on behalf of our people.
Sechelt Nation was recognized for their collaborative work with the B.C. First Nations Summit and for the support and contributions that has played a role in the success of the Chilcotin Supreme Course decision on Aboriginal title.
The Sechelt Nation community would like to thank our leaders, past and present, for their commitment and dedication to our peoples.
Huy! xets’emists’a.
Editor’s note: Candace Campo writes twice a month for Coast Reporter on the history, events and people of the Sechelt Nation.