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Bridge officers sworn in

Sunshine Coast Power & Sail Squadron
Power & Sail
Bridge officers for 2014/15 for the Sunshine Coast Power & Sail Squadron pictured left to right; Bill Foley, Shirley Shea, Jack Adams, John Roper, Hugh Wilson, Rod Moorcroft, Linda Moorcroft. Not pictured is Keith Maxwell.

The Sunshine Coast Power & Sail Squadron held its annual general meeting at Pebbles Restaurant in Sechelt last Friday evening with the commander of the Pacific Mainland Division Shirley Shea swearing in Jack Adams for his second term as Sunshine Coast commander.

He reported on a successful year with 72 graduates of the boating courses since last April, as well as several presentations on boating subjects at monthly social gatherings through the winter.

He thanked Coast Reporter for publishing safe boating articles and effective advertising of courses. He recalled the 75th anniversary Canada-wide celebration with the carrying of the national flag from Langdale to Earls Cove last September. For the coming year he anticipates increasing co-operation with Gibsons Yacht Club and an expansion of courtesy safety inspections for recreational vessels. The executive bridge officers for the coming year were sworn in by Shea, who then expressed her confidence in the direction of the Sunshine Coast squadron.