As more people become aware of the plight of animals on factory farms and the increasing risk of climate change many are searching for ways to lessen the impact their diet has on animals and the environment.
The Meatless Monday campaign was launched in 2003 as a tool to help people commit to making healthy choices. It is now active in 23 countries and being embraced on the Sunshine Coast.
Swapping veggies for meat one day a week can help reduce the impact meat has on your body and the Earth. Research has shown that reducing the amount of meat in your diet may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Making the pledge to reduce your meat intake by as little as 15 per cent will also reduce your carbon footprint. The UN estimates the meat industry generates nearly one-fifth of greenhouse gas emissions and it takes an average of 100 times more water to produce one kg of animal protein than the same amount of plant protein such as beans and legumes.
We are fortunate to live in a climate where the healthiest choices of all, fresh, local produce, is available year round. Throughout the summer farm gate stands and farmers' markets are overflowing with local veggies, fruit and eggs.
The Roberts Creek Farmers' Market continues throughout the winter providing fresh and preserved foods from local growers. Local restaurants and grocery stores are also getting on board by offering meatless specials on Mondays as a way of encouraging residents to make vegetarian choices.
Start your week off with a good feeling by going meatless and knowing you're contributing to the health of the planet, your local economy and yourself.
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