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Sunshine Coast weather: Rain and winds to continue

Cloudy skies and a 60 per cent chance of rain is the forecast from Environment Canada for the Sunshine Coast on March 19.
Rain on window SC
Showers and rain in store for today and into the weekend.

Cloudy skies and a 60 per cent chance of rain is the forecast from Environment Canada for the Sunshine Coast on March 19. Winds gusting between 50 and 70 kilometres per hour (km/h) are expected throughout the day, with winds subsiding slightly to 30 to 50 km/h overnight.  

Daytime high temperatures are slated to reach 9 degrees C, according to Weatherhood, with overnight lows of 4 degres C.

The total amount of rain expected today is 14 millimetres (mm), That is just under half the amount of rain that fell on the wettest March 19 in Environment Canada's records for Sechelt.  Those show that 25.7 mm was recorded for that location in 1957. 

The rains are expected to stay with us for the next couple of days, with the Saturday looking like the driest day in store for the Coast this coming weekend.

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Editor's note: This story is updated daily with current weather forecasts and conditions.