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Sechelt weather: Expect some rain this weekend

A little rain never hurt anybody and, in fact, helps maintain water levels on the Sunshine Coast.
Rain on window SC
Rain is forecast for today and tomorrow, with the sun expected to return by Sunday.

It’s been a beautiful September so far, but temperatures are definitely cooling off this weekend and, according to Weatherhood, there’s an 88 per cent chance of rain today, Sept. 13.

The rain is expected to continue through Sunday morning, when the sun will appear once again, with temperatures reaching a high of 19 by Monday, just in time to head back to school or work. The rain is expected to return Tuesday, but only for the day.

Environment Canada is calling for much the same, so maybe not quite time to start pulling out the Gore-Tex, but you can at least be thinking about it.

Just a reminder to remain bear aware this month. Bears are out foraging in preparation for hibernation and, according to a poll this past week on the Coast Reporter’s website, more than 81 percent of the 423 readers who responded, said they’ve seen a bear this summer.