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Eagleview Heights clears second reading

Eagleview Heights

The developers behind the Eagleview Heights project in Gibsons are offering a $270,000 contribution to the Town’s affordable housing fund and $150,000 to help with improvements at Armours Beach as conditions for a development permit.

The housing and community amenities agreements for the project at 464 Eaglecrest Drive were part of the package presented to council for second reading on April 17.  There were also some design changes that came out of a public information held earlier this month, after the rezoning application passed first reading.

The most significant change is a plan to widen Stewart Road and use it as the main access for the buildings on the lower bench of the sloped property. The original plan called for access off Winn Road, near the intersection with Stewart, and a car elevator to get vehicles into the underground parking area.

Director of planning Lesley-Ann Staats said in her report to council that the change was well received by residents who attended the information meeting, who also supported the eight-metre height restriction that will apply to the majority of the buildings.

She also said some residents remain concerned about increased density and extra traffic along Shaw Road and Eaglecrest Drive, especially with other developments planned in that part of Gibsons.  

The developer will be required to make improvements to parts of Eaglecrest, Inglis Road, and build sidewalks and crosswalks.

“I’m pleased to see the new proposal for the Stewart Road lower bench access,” said Coun. Silas White. “I was at the public information meeting and can confirm the neighbours who were there were happy to see it as a preferred route.”

The proposal will now go to a public hearing, which has been scheduled for May 9 at 7 p.m. at the Gibsons Legion.