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Opinion: Walking into stress in 2025? Take steps now to prepare

Opinion: Walking into stress in 2025? Take steps now to prepare

A Walk and Learn workshop series for educators struggling with burnout combines education about compassion fatigue and burnout with walking together outside of Calgary, Alta.
Column: Don't spend 2025 obsessed with the negative. It's not worth it

Column: Don't spend 2025 obsessed with the negative. It's not worth it

Throw yourself the life preserver you want when you feel your soul is sinking.
Adrian Raeside cartoon: Anticipating what 2025 will bring

Adrian Raeside cartoon: Anticipating what 2025 will bring

Of a certain age: Not a lot of good news for seniors in 2024 report

Of a certain age: Not a lot of good news for seniors in 2024 report

Report by the provincial seniors advocate shows surgery wait-times and lack of housing and access to care, are increasing concerns.
Opinion: Why measuring caesarean rates misses the mark

Opinion: Why measuring caesarean rates misses the mark

As a standalone statistic, the rate of 'low risk' caesarean births lacks the nuance needed to inform and improve individual care. Childbirth metrics must adopt a broader, patient-centred perspective.
Letters: Let’s not wait for more ‘miscalculations’ in Elphinstone on Highway 101

Letters: Let’s not wait for more ‘miscalculations’ in Elphinstone on Highway 101

'Well, maybe we’ve finally reached the requisite number of pedestrian fatalities on the stretch of road between Poplars and Woodcreek Park to prompt some action.'
Mario Canseco: Survey reveals Canadians embracing career over church

Mario Canseco: Survey reveals Canadians embracing career over church

Generational divides highlight evolving values on religion and ambition
Opinion: Is university worth it? Yes, for both students and society

Opinion: Is university worth it? Yes, for both students and society

A university degree brings a host of benefits to the graduate and society. We must broaden access to ensure that every Canadian who chooses to go to university can.
Letters: How many deaths need to happen before there's action on Highway 101?

Letters: How many deaths need to happen before there's action on Highway 101?

Tidewater Topics: Democracy and dictators

Tidewater Topics: Democracy and dictators

My Facebook friends usually affect a lofty disdain for the soap opera of US politics, but dropped all pretence after the second Trump victory last November 5. 'I feel like I just got kicked in the solar plexus by an elephant,' one moaned.