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Zero waste well attended

Editor: An important event occurred the last weekend in May - the Zero Waste Workshop put on by Sunshine Coastal Environmental Sustain-ability Society (SuCESS).


An important event occurred the last weekend in May - the Zero Waste Workshop put on by Sunshine Coastal Environmental Sustain-ability Society (SuCESS).

The Saturday session gathered quite a crowd to hear keynote speaker, internationally renowned zero waste expert, Richard Anthony. Other speakers were Tim Turner of the Outdoor School, Rod Muir of the Sierra Club, and Clint Mahlman from London Drugs. (London Drugs shoppers will be interested to know that Clint talked about London Drugs' policy of taking back excess packaging and expired pharmaceuticals for safe and environmentally friendly disposal.)

Sunshine Coast Regional District directors Lorne Lewis and Donna Shugar were in attendance, as was Gibsons Coun. Bob Curry. On Sunday, a second workshop was held at the Pender Harbour Music School, again featuring Anthony along with Don Marshall from the Bowen Island Recycling Depot. SCRD director Eric Graham also attended.

I would like to thank all our knowledgeable speakers, the businesses and individuals in the community who gave generous donations, the attendees (especially the elected officials who came) and all who put in volunteer hours to make this event possible.

Anne Miles
