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Women deserve right to choose

Editor: A woman's right to choose - these words are almost sacred today. Unfortunately, some women have not had the right to choose. Many women have been coerced or even forced to abort their wanted babies. Roxanne Fernando was such a woman.


A woman's right to choose - these words are almost sacred today. Unfortunately, some women have not had the right to choose. Many women have been coerced or even forced to abort their wanted babies. Roxanne Fernando was such a woman.

In 2007, Roxanne became pregnant, but the father of the child did not want it to see the light of day. He pressured Roxanne into making an appointment to abort, but she backed out of it, wanting to keep her baby. When he realized she would not heed his wishes, he and two other men savagely beat Roxanne and left her to die in a ditch.

Roxanne's Law (Bill C-510) would give pregnant women the ability to press charges when someone is trying to coerce them into having an unwanted abortion. Many women find themselves in very dangerous situations and, without legal protection, may feel that an unwanted abortion is their only option.

This bill would in no way affect the current legal situation of abortion. Abortion would continue to be legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy. However, it would become a crime to coerce or attempt to coerce a woman into having an abortion she doesn't want.

The United Nations Population Fund declared in 1997 that "coerced abortion is explicitly recognized as a violation of basic rights and principles."

If society really believes in a woman's right to choose, women must be protected when they exercise that right. You can help by contacting your MP or visiting

Paula Howley, president, Sunshine Coast Pro Life