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Who has won?

Editor: I find it very frustrating reading an article (Coast Reporter, March 23) that shows the obvious jubilation of one of our taxpayers for causing another cost burden for the District by starting the whole Target issue over because of a possible


I find it very frustrating reading an article (Coast Reporter, March 23) that shows the obvious jubilation of one of our taxpayers for causing another cost burden for the District by starting the whole Target issue over because of a possible procedural defect.

Is it a win to cost the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars on something that received overwhelming support by community? I would love to know how much money Ms. Kuciuk actions will cost, and where the monies will be taken from, roads, sidewalks, our sewage treatment plant, social programs? Maybe Mayor John Henderson could enlighten us.

I say congrats Ms. Kuciuk for winning in your mind at the loss of your fellow taxpayers.

To the mayor and council I feel for you when something so good for the community is interfered with by people that just want a fight maybe they should take up boxing and leave the council alone to do the job we hired them to do.

Tracy Wiesner
