The following was sent to the District of Sechelt planning department and copied to Coast Reporter
I'm wondering if anything is going to stay in its natural state in Sechelt?
First there was the shock to the senses of having the beautiful forest of trees along the highway just west of town cut down and a huge ugly stone wall put up. Then, instead of planting native trees to hide the wall, someone planted palm trees. Is this someone's idea of the natural beauty that this Coast is famous for?Now today (July 21) I see a bulldozer in Snickett Park digging up the beach and grass area with a tape around it saying "keep out - danger." This has always been a beautiful little natural gem in the middle of town for locals and tourists to enjoy. Why on earth somebody think they must improve on it is beyond me? Can we not have naturally occuring logs and rocks to climb over to the beach?
And all this in the middle of the summer season. Shame on you District planners.
N. Mellis
West Sechelt