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Where are our priorities?

Editor: The Terry Fox Run took 30 years to amass $500 million. In Toronto, our federal government spent $2 billion on security for a showcase for Canada.


The Terry Fox Run took 30 years to amass $500 million. In Toronto, our federal government spent $2 billion on security for a showcase for Canada. The police must have been thrilled to receive overtime and great new toys to control a non-problem.

Vancouver's Olympic party cost more than $1 billion for security, and even if a problem arose, the cost to repair would probably be far less costly.

We have spent $2 billion and counting to make law-abiding people register long guns, presumably to keep them out of criminal hands. Never was a problem. Anyone wanting a long gun can still own one if he or she has no criminal record. Are we stupid enough to think criminals will register?

Long guns are not the choice of criminals, hand guns are, and they are very tightly controlled in Canada, but not registered by criminals.

My point in all of this is that it is easy to spend other people's money, as more can be generated by higher taxes.

Wake up Canada, and stop being afraid.

George Pohl
