I live only a few doors away from the new Vision Quest transition house on Pratt Road and have been a resident here for 17 years. I am saddened to hear of death threats against VisionQuest's executive director, pure ignorance equating addiction recovery with child molestation, and plans by some of my neighbours to "use whatever legal means they can to fight VisionQuest's operation" without even knowing the basic facts.
Plenty of sensible information was provided in Coast Reporter's coverage. More was revealed at a meeting with respected community member, artist and retired police officer Ed Hill, who is well acquainted with the work of VisionQuest.
Letter writer Janice Edmonds (Coast Reporter, June 5) absolutely is not the spokesperson for the entire Pratt Road neighbourhood. I would prefer to have living next door to me someone who has just come out of a treatment centre and is demonstrating his or her commitment to a sober life than the drinking drivers or drug dealers commonly sighted on Pratt Road and elsewhere around the Coast.
Based on demonstrated need alone, we should be pleased to welcome the VisionQuest house into our community.
Carol M. Upton