Residents of the Sunshine Coast are fortunate to live near forested mountain slopes drained by numerous creeks and streams. Many of us enjoy hiking in this forestland for exercise and an opportunity to connect with nature. Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of disruptive encounters of hikers with all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles, mountain bikes and their users. There is also a serious concern about environmental damage and disturbance caused by aggressive vehicle use on and off trails.
It is alarming to hear about the rapid growth of ATV use on the Coast. Equally alarming is that it appears there are no effective policies in place to restrict or control the use or construction of trails in our nearby forests.
Our local governments representing Coast residents should take the initiative in developing policies and land use regulations regarding trail construction and use in our area. These policies and regulations should include the following priorities: complete protection from ATV and other vehicle use of large and small watersheds used as domestic water sources; environmental protection of all wetland and sensitive areas; ATV and other vehicle use only on designated and properly surfaced roads and trails; large contiguous areas left with no trails or human use to allow for undisturbed animal and plant life; and public education in local schools to encourage quiet, low impact recreational activities in natural environments.
Hans Penner
Roberts Creek