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Time to come clean premier

Gordon Campbell and his political lickspittles have been touting B.C. as the best place on the planet to live. During the election campaign, Campbell, in a very serious manner, hammered home the message that only he and his party could guide B.C.

Gordon Campbell and his political lickspittles have been touting B.C. as the best place on the planet to live. During the election campaign, Campbell, in a very serious manner, hammered home the message that only he and his party could guide B.C. through these difficult times. As he put it, at the end of the day B.C. would be in a better position than any province in Canada to weather this storm.

Health care and education would be protected from cuts and only a small deficit would be incurred, around the $400 million mark.

Now we hear that B.C. has one of the highest number of job losses in the country, the deficit is looking to top the $1 billion mark, health care and education are on the table for cuts, we have the highest child poverty rate in the country, along with who-the-hell knows what is really going on with the Olympic spending, as there is no transparency to that process. The full accounting for this venue will not unfold for a number of years after the IOC and Campbell have packed up their dog and pony show and left town.

Remember Campbell while in opposition pounding the table and announcing to the world how open his government would be? Of course, since then, he has made the freedom of information act and access to this extremely difficult, and as we have all witnessed, his lackeys dare not speak out on any subject unless vetted through the spin doctors. So much for your member representing your interests.

Instead of the B.C. Liberals slogan being 'B.C. the best place on the planet to live' perhaps their new slogan should be: "Why waste time discovering the truth when you can so easily create it?"

Shayne Gordon
