We were shocked to read, in two ads (Coast Reporter, Nov. 2) that the Sunshine Coast Community Forest (SCCF) intends to proceed with logging what we have come to know as the Wilson Creek forest, Block EW002. This amounts to an outright betrayal of commitments made to the community when logging this forest was deferred last year.
In the press release, signed by Glen Bonderud, chair of SCCF, of May 31, 2011 it states that "SCPI is deferring cutting in this block in order to study various proposals and suggestions made regarding this area."
We have seen no evidence of a single proposal or suggestion being studied as an alternative to logging. We know many suggestions have been made. One major proposal, now part of the recently adopted Roberts Creek official community plan, is for an expanded 1,500ha Mount Elphinstone Park. The Wilson Creek forest (EW002) forms the key western portion of this proposed park.
In the same press release, Bonderud is quoted as saying, "Our goal is to meet and satisfy both our regulatory obligations and community concerns."
Community concerns about logging this last significant size lower elevation forest in the Wilson Creek watershed have been expressed by citizens sending in hundreds of cards, letters and emails to the District of Sechelt, the sole shareholder of the SCCF.
Community associations have passed motions, sent letters and put up banners all asking for protection of this forest. It is clear that there is a broad consensus in the community that this forest should not be logged.
If the SCCF management of the forest is based on community values, as it states in their ad, and if they honour commitments made, there is only one option for the Wilson Creek forest: it has to be saved.
Hans Penner, for Elphinstone Logging Focus