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Thanks for the excellent trail

Editor: We all use the extensive trail network that criss-crosses the landscape and the mountains here on the Coast, but seldom do we consider the effort that has gone into building these trails.


We all use the extensive trail network that criss-crosses the landscape and the mountains here on the Coast, but seldom do we consider the effort that has gone into building these trails.

We, a group of hikers who meet regularly, had occasion to make use of the most recently built trail leading up to Mt. Elphinstone from the bypass, a nearly 4,000-foot vertical climb. Seventeen of us embarked upon this eight-hour cardio-vascular workout. A fine day it was too, with plenty of sunshine affording 180-degree superb views as far away as the Fraser Valley and Mt. Baker across the border. The new trail is very well laid out, following ridges or carved into the side of the slope, with the pesky blueberry bushes sheared down to ground level. Streams are crossed via bridges made of split cedar.

One can tell that a lot of planning and effort has gone into building that trail and the connector to others. Furthermore, the signage is very well thought out, which makes it easy to find the route up and down. This is one instance where the trail builder did not succumb to marker fatigue - the markers are consistently spaced and clearly visible right to the summit.

Big kudos to the people involved in the trail building. We wish to express our gratitude to you all for a job well done. Rest assured that this trail will be well used over time.

Alf Menninga
