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Thanks and farewell, Sunshine Coast


It’s been a little over two years since I started working at Coast Reporter. There have been ups, there have been downs – my first year was especially challenging – but now that I’ve made friends, established a home in Halfmoon Bay and become comfortable in my role as a reporter on the Sunshine Coast, it’s time to pick up and leave again.

Some thank yous are in order. First and foremost I would like to thank the community here. Your words of support and encouragement have always been appreciated.

In my first year, I wrote a number of columns about dealing with loneliness as a newcomer in an area that geographically and demographically makes it difficult to connect with anyone under 50. I was always encouraged by the positive responses I received from readers who told me to hang in there. They were right, it’s a little slow going but the people on the Coast are friendly and welcoming. If you get out there and do things, you do meet people and you do make friends.

Speaking of friends, I need to thank my first real friend on the Coast, Emily. She moved here at the same time I did and reached out after she read my first column. If she hadn’t taken the initiative, I would have missed out on an intellectually stimulating friendship with one of the most caring and genuine people I’ve ever met. On the other hand, she wouldn’t be addicted to video games if it weren’t for me – so sometimes friendship is a one-way street.

I’d also like to thank the staff here at Coast Reporter. This was my first actual job as a reporter – not counting internships and the school newspaper – and I certainly could not have made it through the last two years without their support and guidance.

I don’t have enough space to name everyone, but specific thanks is in order for the editorial team: John Gleeson, Heather Till, Christine Wood and Sean Eckford – I have learned much and matured professionally in my time here with all of you. With the knowledge and skillset I’ve acquired and honed at Coast Reporter, I think my future looks bright.

Honourable mention to Eric Pinfold – I’m going to miss your caterwauling.

And I’d like to thank my parents, who have always supported me. They lowered my rent when I couldn’t afford it and recently they let me move back into their house “temporarily” because my house is too cold. I love you both, most of the time.

I’ll be finishing the rest of the month here at Coast Reporter, and after that I’ll be sticking around for a while as I take some time off and look for another job. If you see me around town, feel free to come over and say hi. I might have friends now, but I’m always open to meeting new people.