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Technology can help students

Editor: Reading Ms. Rowan's letter (Coast Reporter, March 5) struck a nerve, and I must say I was surprised at all the negative points she stated. Ms. Rowan was a former occupational therapist with School District No.


Reading Ms. Rowan's letter (Coast Reporter, March 5) struck a nerve, and I must say I was surprised at all the negative points she stated. Ms. Rowan was a former occupational therapist with School District No. 46 (SD46), and she should know firsthand how important strategies such as technology can benefit students who struggle with written output. Allowing technology strategies to assist students can create a positive learning environment.

As a parent of two boys with autism spectrum disorder, I have witnessed firsthand how important the use of technology can be. Both boys have struggles with their written output - they think faster than they can write. This causes much frustration for them, and yes, behaviours do occur. The use of technology has alleviated their frustration and has set them up for success.

My oldest son went from being on a modified program to an adaptive program, and that was due to the use of technology. He used a laptop for his written work and a software program for reading text, so he could keep up with his peers in the classroom. Just because a student struggles with reading does not mean he does not comprehend the text. And technology allows them to reach the curriculum goals so the student can succeed. Technology has allowed my children to excel in areas that were a struggle for them.

Is it fair to hinder a child when there are strategies that can help them succeed?

Thank you to SD46 for providing technology support to our students.

Michele Whiting

Roberts Creek