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Support the Gibsons Way changes

Editor: I am writing to express my strong support for the new traffic changes in Upper Gibsons. Here is a list of reasons why I appreciate Gibsons Way now more than ever:I feel safer when I walk between North and Pratt Road.


I am writing to express my strong support for the new traffic changes in Upper Gibsons.

Here is a list of reasons why I appreciate Gibsons Way now more than ever:I feel safer when I walk between North and Pratt Road. I feel safer when I ride a bike along that stretch. I feel safer when I push a stroller to the bank or the grocery.

I'm glad for an incentive for more people, me included, to get out of their cars and consider a more ecologically responsible travel mode. I'm glad for the new bus stops that allow for safe loading and leaving of the buses.

I'm glad kids from both the elementary and secondary schools don't have to contend with a four lane highway everyday. I am glad that local businesses are getting better exposure through slower cars, and increased foot and bicycle traffic.

I appreciate Gibsons' progressive leadership in rejecting the dominant yet antiquated car culture.

Reasons Gibsons Way is worse than before: traffic backs up each time a ferry unloads.

I think the pros outweigh the cons despite the many people who want to drive faster, and thusly, have signed a petition. There was a democratic process and leadership shown by mayor and council in implementing these changes. Please stick with them.

Brian Smith
