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STV system a natural fit with human nature

Editor: Debating the upcoming STV referendum has generated a lot of fear-mongering anddyspepsia throughoutour region.

Editor: Debating the upcoming STV referendum has generated a lot of fear-mongering anddyspepsia throughoutour region. I urge people to crack out the antacid tabs and scrutinize the anti-STV rhetoric, peering especially hard to determine the likelihood a rumour may be true and the source from whence it came.

In my experience campaigning (pro) the past few weeks I've heard of diabolical plots over computerized counting, gross distortions about the actual BC-STV plan (no, we're not joining with Washington State) and out and out whoppers that would make Pinocchio cringe.

Please get informed about STV in the few days remaining before next Tuesday. And something to remember is that we have all actually been living quite contentedly with a variation of STV throughout our lives, and here's how: ever had a shirt or a pair of shoes you like more than the rest? How about a best friend and next-best friend? Ever had a favourite kind of pizza, or ice cream?

Yes, you have. And I'll bet that, like me, you appreciate having as much choice as possible. That's much more possible under STV than the present antiquated first-past-the-post system. And with an STV electoral system maybe, just maybe, young people (under 30) will again consider participating in politics again.

Michael Maser
