Your editorial (Coast Reporter, Feb. 19) about the school closure decision seemed somewhat lacking in firsthand exposure to the consultation process.
First, I'm certain your contention that "parents and students in Sechelt and Davis Bay were preparing for their schools to close" was news to many of them.
Second, calling Davis Bay a "dubious educational choice for 2010" is not borne out in any way by its student achievements, the dedication of its professional staff or the satisfaction of students and parents. Although we support educational choice in SD46, we don't offer a "dubious" choice. Not this year, and not next year, either.
Thank you for your support for full-time principals, librarians and music instruction. For a number of years, we've struggled to assure these attributes no matter the size of the school. Our aim next year is to pool these resources to provide equitable service to all students. It no longer makes sense to reinvent the wheel, and the same budget constraints, in 10 different elementary schools.
Your idea of engineering a "unique school community" through amalgamation is not as easy as it appears on paper. The important ingredient is the hard work of staff to create welcoming, positive environments for all our children, and so they mutually benefit from joining together - no matter how many are new to a building or where they're from. Something our district has excelled at for many years is ensuring there are never any "forgotten stepchildren" (as you phrased it).
Boards of education need to do a lot of stick-handling these days. On the Sunshine Coast, we are doing so with our heads up. The goal for a new Neighbourhood Learning Centre (combining school and community use) in Sechelt will take exciting, visionary community collaboration, and we are determined to achieve it.
Silas White, board chair
School District No. 46