That Pender Harbour residents are even considering an option to continue to bury garbage in an unlined, ever-expanding landfill site, situated in our watershed, makes no sense to me.
Locally, this argument seems to be turning into an us versus them stand: a call to arms for residents to stand up to the "bullying Sunshine Coast Regional District" and make them stop telling us what to do.
How unfortunate, and how sad.
Instead of marshalling anger and pitchforks at the entrance to Pender Harbour and pitting neighbour against neighbour, we could be putting our energies into something positive. Like creating jobs and a commercial compost station, thereby reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted on the Sunshine Coast by many, many thousands of tonnes a year.
Time to stop mongering fear, pointing fingers and fighting. Let's get together and build something positive and environmentally sound for Harbourites for generations to come.
Carole Rubin
Garden Bay