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Self-appointed new government

Editor: It seems a new level of government has been created on the Sunshine Coast. At least that what Imade of last week'sflyer by the Sunshine Coast Community Forest. In thereport from the chair,Mr. John R.


It seems a new level of government has been created on the Sunshine Coast. At least that what Imade of last week'sflyer by the Sunshine Coast Community Forest.

In thereport from the chair,Mr. John R. Henderson self-appoints Sechelt Community Projects Inc. as wardens of the watersheds. The letter boasts of co-operation with just about everyone. A few notable exceptions, the Sunshine Coast Regional District, the Sechelt Indian Band and the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association.

The letter alsoclaims that the appointed board is responsible for making decisions for the best interests of the company and community. I find that to be presumptuous. Calling the District of Sechelt "the sole shareholder" even more so.

I would ask Sechelt Community Projects Inc. to publicly support in writing 'the joint watershed agreement' signed by all levels of Coast government before assumingleadership in water quality and control.

Gord Bell

Halfmoon Bay