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SD46: adequate compensation

Editor: Recent letters have mentioned cuts the Board of Education needed to make in order to balance the 2010/11 budget last spring.


Recent letters have mentioned cuts the Board of Education needed to make in order to balance the 2010/11 budget last spring. One letter erroneously stated that revenue has declined, when in fact the provincial government has been sending boards more funding to cover provincial raises to teacher and support staff contracts.

This increase has been the most significant cost pressure on any board's budget; it has been impossible to maintain all positions and programs at a time when student enrolment is also declining. However, our board supported the employee raises when they were negotiated in 2006, and we continue to feel they are well deserved.

Unlike this provincial arrangement in 2006, boards of education, like any elected body, are responsible for setting honorariums for their positions. This is always awkward, but trustees have a responsibility to the community to not consider what is acceptable for their personal budgets or what they feel they are individually "worth" but rather what is fair on a provincial scale as well as what reflects the community expectations for the position.

It is also worth noting that by raising the stipend to the provincial trustee average every three years, the new base stipend of $13,313 has already dipped slightly below the provincial average and will continue to fall behind until the next review in 2013 (this occurred over the last three years to the point where it was 20 per cent behind).

Nevertheless, our board feels that this is adequate compensation for service in a district of our size. Even still, few people in our community seem to feel they can afford to put in the time required for any elected positions; it is encouraging that some of your letter writers are already getting excited about November 2011.

Silas White, Chair

S.C. Board of Education