I have had the privilege of serving for three years as the resident provincial court judge on the Sunshine Coast. During that time I have been tremendously impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the people working in the court system and in jobs related to it.
The court staff and deputy sheriff display an extraordinary commitment to making the court function efficiently and effectively and to helping people who appear in court. They demonstrate in everything they do that their first priority is serving the public.
There are knowledgeable and professional lawyers on the Sunshine Coast who do court work. The two Crown counsel are well prepared, thorough and fair. The lawyers in private practice here offer knowledge of local people and circumstances in addition to sound legal knowledge, trial and negotiation skills and commitment to their clients. Where possible, family court lawyers try to help their clients resolve disputes without contested trials. In addition, many local lawyers do considerable volunteer work in the community.
The adult and youth probation officers and various youth workers also demonstrate outstanding commitment to their clients and the community, as well as willingness to devote extra effort where needed.
The local family justice counsellor works hard to assist many couples to work out the terms of separation agreements so they need not go through the adversarial process in court, and mediates disputes that arise between separated parents.
Highly committed victims' assistance workers with community-based Victim Services, Women's Outreach and RCMP Victims' Services serve the community by providing dedicated support to victims and witnesses and monitoring court proceedings.
All these local residents and others I know I've overlooked work very hard to improve the community by helping people avoid committing offences or by making the court system work as well as possible. I want to thank them for their efforts.
A.E. Rounthwaite
Provincial court judge